RALEIGH – Honestly, with the dominance on the Left of identity politics and Woke Cultural Revolution, we’re surprised this didn’t come sooner.
The N.C. Democratic Party has dropped their multi-term chairman, Wayne Goodwin, (a white guy) and elected vice chair Bobbie Richardson as the first black person to lead the Party.
It’s a Wokie no-brainer. Still, it’s bit rich that the Party of the KKK; the Party that’s spent the last few years calling all opposition racist for any and no reason whatsoever; the Party obsessed with ‘Equity’ and diversity in their catering to Woke Dogma; is only now electing their first black person to lead the Party.
(The NCGOP elected a black chairman in 2015, the first since…1868…just a few years after the founded in direct opposition to slavery’s expansion.)
From the Charlotte Post:
“North Carolina Democrats elected Bobbie Richardson as the state party chair, making her the first Black person to hold the post.
Richardson, the party’s vice chair, was elected Saturday to the top spot during the semi-annual State Executive Committee meeting. Richardson, who represented Franklin and Nash counties in the state House of Representatives from 2013-2018, is a retired teacher and administrator with 35 years in North Carolina public schools. Richardson, a two-time graduate of North Carolina Central University, will lead the party’s most diverse leadership group in history.
“I am honored that my fellow SEC members have chosen me to take on this important role and lead North Carolina Democrats as our party prepares for the 2022 midterm elections,” Richardson said in a statement. “Together, we’ll fight for a fairer, more just North Carolina, recruit candidates that reflect the diversity of our state, and organize everywhere to elect Democrats who will be champions for working families across our state.” […]”
Regardless of whoever the new boss is, the agenda for N.C. Democrats remains the same: A Woke socialist push for power over our lives, under the familiar guise of ‘diversity’ and ‘fighting for the working man,’ all while defending job-killing lockdowns and an Orwellian uniformity of thought.
Read more about their Woke Party elections here.
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