RALEIGH – If you’re wondering what kind of policies would come to the forefront if the Democrats were able to ride a blue wave into the North Carolina General Assembly, look no further than the N.C. Democratic Party convention and a gun control resolution passed there that activists are boasting about.
The @NCDemParty just passed a resolution giving us one of the most progressive gun platforms EVER!
We voted to ban the sale/possession of bump stocks, assault weapons, and high capacity magazines. We voted to raise the minimum age to own a gun to 21.
The young people will win. pic.twitter.com/iYdcTAXt03
— Dominic Patafie (@dominicpatafie) June 9, 2018
‘One of the most progressive gun platforms EVER’ – great.
Plenty of support can be found on both sides of the aisle for banning gun modifications such as bump stocks, despite the fact that such mods 1) aren’t used any the overwhelming majority of shootings, and, 2) such bans merely crack the door for gun control nuts that will use vague language and blurry definitions to chip steadily away at the Second Amendment.
“Assault weapons,” for instance. What are they? You’d be hard pressed to find a specific definition for such a weapon. The Left’s made up definitions tend to lump more and more guns into that category, while previous bans have completely left out some guns that are identical in specs and capability to an AR-15, for instance, yet merely look less intimidating.
Similarly, ‘high capacity magazines’ is a subjective term that is vulnerable to re-definition whenever the Left wants to crack down further on your right to bear arms. Where is the limit set – 10 bullets? 6 bullets?
Most egregious, though, is the resolution to disenfranchise a whole segment of the population of their inalienable rights. Never mind the fact that only a few of the top 20 deadliest mass shootings were carried out by persons under the age of 21, or that those that were under the age would have been dissuaded in the least by such a regulation.
It doesn’t matter to the Left. While they profess to care about saving lives, they will suppress reason and ignore facts out of their ultimate allegiance to banning guns.
The fact is that Democrats nationwide, and here in the Old North State, have now written their opposition to the Second Amendment into their party platforms and will jump at the chance to ratchet restrictions tighter and tighter if given the chance to govern.
Today, at the state convention, I was honored to write the amendment to the “Parkland Resolution” which gave the @NCDemParty one of the most comprehensive gun safety platforms in history.
This amazing platform does us no good if those in office don’t wish to enact it.
Vote. pic.twitter.com/ELJvpEpIRJ
— Dominic Patafie (@dominicpatafie) June 10, 2018
When the Progressive activists are celebrating, it usually means freedom is under assault.
The silver lining may be that the more honest the Democrats in North Carolina are about their agenda, the more reasons voters will have to keep them out of the driver seat in the General Assembly. What do you think Democrats in rural districts will feel about their party wanting to ban their 18 or 20 year olds from owning a rifle, shotgun, or hand gun?
But change is inevitable and Republican super-majorities are not likely to be around forever at the state legislature. That’s why Republicans filed a bill to offer a referendum on a Voter I.D. constitutional amendment to voters this fall, so the people can decide what is reasonable and what is out of bounds.
The same process should be followed to give the North Carolina people a chance to reinforce their Second Amendment rights against future encroachments from the Left.
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