RALEIGH – They regurgitate the talking points, they push legislation, and now Democratic candidates in North Carolina are officially boasting about their gun control credentials to win votes.
I am proud to receive the @MomsDemand Action Gun Sense Candidate Distinction. Let it be known all across NC that I am committed to taking action that reduces the threat of gun violence in our schools, families and communities. #ncpol #ncga #NCed #GunReformNow @AMarch4OurLives pic.twitter.com/w71D86sctV
— Luis Toledo for NC Senate (@luistoledonc) March 19, 2018
First of all, Moms Demand Action is an radical Leftist group that would like nothing more than to eliminate the Second Amendment and routinely spreads misinformation about gun violence. The group funded by Michael Bloomberg is a top-down political operation to advance the goals of the extreme Left, hardly a grassroots organization. Bragging about their endorsement of a campaign tells you a lot about a candidate.
Second, exactly what kind of action is Toledo going to take? Will it have any relevance to actually reducing threats of gun violence, or merely degrade the Second Amendment enough to make the Left feel good?
Toledo is running in N.C. Senate District 16, a seat currently occupied by Democrat Jay Chaudhuri. Chaudhuri headlined a group of Democrats Monday that announced plans to file gun control legislation that would ban the sale of “assault weapons” to persons under 21, among other things.
It seems the Democrats are in a pissing contest to see who can trash the Second Amendment the most. Is this their plan to ‘Break the Majority’?
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