RALEIGH – Some public schools systems in the state have elected to extend the Pandemic Panic into the classroom with asinine education frameworks that would have kids in school for one week, followed by two weeks of at home, virtual education.
Meanwhile, a new study from Wake Forest Baptist Health finds that as much as 14 percent of North Carolinians already have antibodies to the coronavirus, and the real life data about the pathogen’s effects shows a death and hospitalization rate that is wildly underwhelming compared to the fear mongering hypotheticals used to justify lockdowns in the first place.
Updated 6/30/2020
- Current study enrollment:18,456
- Completed daily symptom logs: 634,123
- Positive antibody tests (percentage): 12-14%
The results of this study, focused around the Triangle where a good many of the positive cases have been, seems to short circuit those that have reported the scariest scenarios so much the real data ‘Does Not Compute’ when it goes against that narrative.
From WFAE:
“[…] The findings suggest that COVID-19 is less deadly than originally thought and that the death rate for the disease could be in the range of 0.1%.
But the study also shows that there is significant community spread and that efforts so far to curtail COVID-19 are faltering.
“It’s a double-edged sword,” said John Sanders, the chief of infectious diseases at Wake Forest Baptist. “We are clearly seeing a rapid increase in the number of people that we have antibody evidence who have been infected.”
But he said “the vast majority of these people have very few or no symptoms.”
“We can look at it and say the death rate is lower than we have estimated,” Sanders said. “The severity of symptoms is lower than we estimated and the vast majority of people who were infected are going to do fine.” […]
So, in other words, while a good many health and government officials asserted the sky was falling, such that it justified the government taking a big chunk of authority over our lives, it was just an acorn the whole time.
And all the hysteria about reopening?
“[…] Sanders said the initial results showed few North Carolinians had been exposed to the coronavirus–around 1%.
But in the last two months, he said, the antibody tests show the coronavirus has spread rapidly through the central part of the state.
By mid-May the study showed about 5% of people had been infected with the coronavirus. But by early June – as the state began to reopen – the number of people testing positive for antibodies increased rapidly.
“We would expect it to continue going up at an accelerated rate, or even an exponential rate,” Sanders said.
There are about 10.5 million people in North Carolina. If 14% of the population has been infected with the coronavirus, that would translate into about 1.47 million people. […]”
Reopening, which is certainly happening to different degrees and different speeds throught out the state, was labeled a reckless and selfish decision that was going to kill grandma (again).
And yet, our hospitals were not overwhelmed, our communities paralyzed only by elected officials who favor control and compliance over individual liberty and responsibility.
A big deal has been made out of hospitalizations creeping up the last two weeks, but with as many as 1.5 million cases indicated by this study those numbers are hardly alarming. Moreover, we’ve learned that anyone in the hospital (for any reason, like elective surgery) and testing positive is marked as a COVID hospitalization.
The argument for continued micromanagement of our lives, never on solid ground, is now so thin it is transparent. Meanwhile, the governor is passing face mask mandates and the command and control class is again clamoring for more restrictions. The base motivations behind these pushes should be getting a lot more transparent too.
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