RALEIGH – There’s a saying in the Air Force that ‘If you’re catching flak, you must be right over the target.’
That phrase is ringing true for conservative N.C. House Rep. Beverly Boswell (R-6th) as she comes under fire from the ACLU, as discussed on the Daily Haymaker.
“Republican Beverly Boswell captured a very competitive seat from the Democrats last time around. She ticked off the GOPe and the Left simultaneously. She’s an outspoken, tell-it-like-it-is conservative. So, all that makes her a marked woman.
Well, another election cycle is approaching. So, it was about time the hordes geared up for war.
The ACLU of North Carolina and Kitty Hawk resident Craig Merrill have teamed up for a public records suit against Boswell. Here’s the complaint.”
It is hard to decipher just what the ACLU is looking for because their public records request is not very specific in scope. ‘Not specific’, meaning the equivalent of an ‘everything plus the kitchen sink’ kind of request.
“What do they want? EVERY piece of communication — texts, emails, letters, phone records — between Boswell and her staff and any business or individual in the Sixth House District.
Some helpful info: Merrill is a registered Democrat. Merrill has a clear record as an opponent of senator Bill Cook and Boswell. He was a passionate defender of the state’s plastic bag ban along the coast. He also thinks President Trump needs to be prosecuted for obstruction of justice.”
Boswell is catching flak because she refuses to play along with Leftist environmentalist delusions, she is an unapologetic conservative, and brings a voice of common sense reason to Jones Street.
After assuming office, Boswell wasted no time in filing unabashedly conservative bills, like House Bill 163 that would establish the Right to Life at Conception.
“In order to implement equal protection for the right to life of each born and preborn human person, and pursuant to the duty and authority of the General Assembly under the Constitution, the General Assembly hereby declares that the right to life is vested in each human being.”
So of course the ACLU is going after her. The moderate N.C. House Republicans probably view her an annoyance as well, all too happy to watch her get smeared.
Luckily she seems to be one tough cookie, and North Carolina is best served by keeping her on Jones Street.
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