House Freedom Caucus Chairman Rep. Mark Meadows (R-NC) joined Fox News host Neil Cavuto on Friday to discuss tax reform and budget negotiations between the House and Senate.
Meadows expressed that he was “very optimistic” a budget package including tax cuts would be passed before the end of the year. Further, Meadows said said tax cuts would be retroactive going back to the beginning of 2017, and thereby giving a boost to business and household finances.
The North Carolina congressman said he spoke with President Trump about expediting the budget negotiation process between the House and Senate. The Senate passed its budget resolution last week.
Typically the House would take the Senate Budget Resolution into conference, using it as a benchmark to form their own House plan – a process that could take weeks.
President Trump asked if they could avoid a protracted process by avoiding the conference process and instead launching directly into votes on the Senate version.
Meadows implied that it was possible to avoid the lengthy conference portion, suggesting a three part process beginning with votes on the Senate Budget in committee and ending with votes on the House Floor before Thanksgiving.
In an exclusive interview with First in Freedom Daily, Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) gave a 90 percent chance of tax cuts being passed before the end of the year.
Watch the rest of the interview with Rep. Mark Meadows below.
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