From Lady Liberty 1885:
North Carolina’s Attorney General Josh Stein was a panelist at a Dark Money group summit held earlier this year.
The Democracy Alliance Spring Summit was entitled “Charting a Course to Progressive Power.”
The Far Left Dark Money group, Democracy Alliance, held it’s Spring Summit at a posh resort in Atlanta, Georgia this past April.
North Carolina’s Attorney General Josh Stein was not only in attendance, he was a panelist for a session called “How Progressive Attorney Generals are Changing Policy, Politics, and Party.”
Read the full summit agenda.
At the 2017 Democracy Alliance Fall Summit, AG Stein was praised by the group as one of the “State’s brightest stars.” As the Daily Haymaker noted about Stein, elections have consequences.
Over the last two years, radical leftist billionaire George Soros has been pumping millions into Attorney General races across the country in an effort to stack the justice deck. His influence was found in races in Philadelphia and in Texas.
Read more here.
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