RALEIGH – The Trump administration recently announced it would reinsert a question about citizenship for the 2020 census. Of course, the Left went nuts – how could you be so insensitive as to ask people living in this country if they are citizens?!
Apparently, Democrat North Carolina Attorney General Josh Stein is similarly aghast at Uncle Sam’s desire to know what non-citizens are in this country, throwing North Carolina into a lawsuit to block the question’s inclusion.
“In a multi-state move, 12 attorneys general filed a lawsuit in federal court on Tuesday alleging that demanding such information could skew actual resident numbers in states with large immigrant populations.
That could threaten the fair allocation of hundreds of billions of dollars of federal grants and funding for education, roads and infrastructure, Stein and the other attorneys general stated. Additionally, census data are used to redraw political boundaries — from Congress to local school boards and commissions and allocate Electoral College seats.“
Last time I checked, you are SUPPOSED to be a citizen to vote. So, how are politicians expected to represent non-citizens in congress? Well, because it protects Democrat politicians from states with inflated illegal populations that factor into how many representatives they get on Capitol Hill.
California, for instance, is afraid they will lose a congressional seat if they can’t count all the ILLEGAL ALIENS residing in the Golden State.
Moreover, who knows how many of these non-citizens actually are voting. In North Carolina the Secretary of State has been awarding notary licenses, which give the power to certify absentee ballots, to illegal aliens. What has AG Josh Stein done to enforce the law and combat the potential for fraud on that front? Nothing, because it doesn’t serve his Leftist political cause.
And then there’s the money:
“North Carolinians pay taxes to the federal government every year,” Stein said in a statement. “In return, they rightfully expect to receive our state’s fair share of federal funding for our roads and schools and an appropriate number of Representatives in Congress. That’s what an accurate Census provides for and why I will fight any effort to politicize it.”
There’s that ‘fair share’ language. North Carolina taxpayers certainly do deserve to receive good services from government for being forcefully separated from a portion of their paycheck every month. They also expect that their state attorney general, whose six-figure salary is paid by taxpayers, to focus on real problems.
Politicians merely want more and more money to spend on their Big Government programs, and so they want to count every head, illegals included, to justify more and more government.
While Stein boasts that he will “fight any effort to politicize” the census, he himself is politicizing the whole issue by joining this lawsuit.
How is a citizenship question on the census political? Does it not seek a more accurate picture of those residing in the country by understanding how many citizens and how many non-citizens are here? Would political representation not be more accurate by knowing how many citizens versus non-citizens make up the population of a state?
If non-citizens are here legally, they have absolutely no reason to shy away from the census. The only people that would have a reason are…illegal aliens.
There is nothing in this change that says illegal aliens must not answer census questions. That’s on them. If that’s a problem, then maybe they should have thought about coming in the front door, instead of breaking in the back.
Stein is pandering to his Leftist base, while essentially giving the finger to all the other voting factions that may think it makes sense to know who in the Old North State is a citizen and who is not.
Read more about Stein scoring Lefty brownie points for his future campaigns here.
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