RALEIGH – Republican Congressmen George Holding keeps a pretty low profile in D.C., but usually maintains a respectable voting record from a conservative’s perspective. In recent cycles his seat was relatively safe from challenge, but this time around the Democrats’ fundraising in the Old North State and talk of a Blue Wave in congress is making his battle against Democrat Linda Coleman more interesting.
Coleman is a Democrat’s Democrat, with a record of raising taxes and pushing identity politics during her myriad government roles. To ward her off, and reduce threats to the Republican majority in the U.S. House, National PAC money is coming in to help Holding.
“Coleman incurred interest on eight different property tax payments after she missed the grace period window in 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, and 2014.
Her interest bills from those years total less than $500.
CLF has bought ad space in the Raleigh media market and will fill digital platforms throughout the district with the new ad.
“Coleman didn’t pay her taxes on time, but she had no problem raising taxes on families, supporting higher income and sales taxes. North Carolinians deserve better than career politician Linda Coleman,” CLF spokeswoman Courtney Alexander said in a statement.”
It’s no surprise that Coleman wants to raise your taxes – she’s a Democrat. What is more interesting is that Holding, who won the 2nd district by 16 points in 2016 (significantly besting Trump’s vote haul) is now getting outside help from PACs to protect his incumbency.
If Democrats think they may be able to pick off incumbents like Holding, they are becoming more emboldened. Do you think they’re on to something, or merely a throwing Republican politicos off with false confidence?
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