It apears DC Dems are drooling and fawning all over our Accidental Governor.™ (A weak sister RINO opponent who spent four years thumbing his nose at his base? Twenty thousand votes out of Durham County in the middle of the night? Hell of a mandate there.)
Yep. He’s had his ass handed to him via numerous veto overrides. He’s pretty much ignored in the big discussions in our fair capital city. And he’s apparently The Great White Hope for national Democrats:
Roy Cooper wants Democrats to do something they haven’t done in state politics in years: Go on offense.
His eyes on 2018 state Legislature races and potential special elections before then, the North Carolina governor is launching a multimillion-dollar, multiyear effort to knock Republicans out of the state capital. And national Democrats, reeling from losing hundreds of seats in statehouses across the country over the past decade, are hoping other governors pay close attention.
Cooper’s initiative is the latest frontier in a state that’s a cauldron of just about every political fight in America—redistricting, voter ID, public education, gender. The two major parties are just about equally matched here, though unaffiliated voters outnumber Republicans. North Carolina is where Hillary Clinton swooped in for her final, exuberant past-midnight campaign rally—only to see the race called later that day for Donald Trump; it’s where a local battle over who can use which bathroom became a national brawl over human sexuality.[…]
Roy Cooper reminds me of the main character, Peter Gibbons, in that classic comedy “Office Space.” Peter decides he’s not going to do ONE DAMN THING, and Lady Luck keeps smiling on him. All kinds of good things end up happening for him.
It’s pretty hard to identify any major achievements during Cooper’s sixteen year tenure in the AG’s office. Raleigh’s GOP establishment regularly — for some reason — gave him a free pass every four years.
His crime lab was a full-blown disaster.All kinds of innocent people got jailed. Criminals got off because of delays and screwups. It earned national criticism from even leftist media. Local governments had to farm out their crime lab needs in order to get a timely response for court cases. (For some reason, the weak sister RINO incumbent didn’t think this needed to be brought up in an ad or two prior to the November vote.)
Cooper was also Johnny-Come-Lately on some of the biggest cases in the state. (See John Edwards, Mike Easley, Duke lacrosse, various police corruption probes.) The feds would do the leg work. Ol’ Roy would show in time for the cameras.
He pretty much announced his intention to run for governor on election eve 2012. We had an empty desk and an empty suit running the Justice Department for FOUR YEARS while ol’ Roy pursued his dream of Blount Street. Just like Peter Gibbons, he didnt’t do a damn thing and STILL came out smelling like a rose.
A national poll came out showing that Cooper is officially MEDIOCRE. In terms of popularity, Cooper shows up at #24 — right in the middle — among the nation’s 50 governors. He’s got 48 percent of the state’s voters either disapproving of him, or having no opinion.
*Yep, we’ve got the second coming of JFK here.*
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