CHARLOTTE – ‘A scourge of anti-Asian violence driven by the insidious power and rhetoric of White Supremacy from the likes of Republicans like Donald Trump’
This is the basic narrative the Left is currently trying to inculcate in the American public. So powerful are the script-writers on the Left that actual facts seem to have no bearing on their continued and brazen advancing of this story line, nor does it dim a wide swath of the public’s acceptance of its main theme.
Partly because it employs a tactic of mixing truth with lies to afford it a veneer of credibility. Violent crimes against Asian-Americans are elevated (TRUTH); the rise can be attributed to racist attacks by whites, stoked by anti-Asian rhetoric from Trump and other Republicans (LIE).
It makes for a precarious construction, nonetheless vague headlines and omitted, yet pertinent facts are leveraged to carry it forward.
A Korean-owned business in Charlotte was attacked late last week, in broad day light, by an assailant wielding a pipe with which he smashed the store up, while hurling racial slurs at the Asian owners. The crime obviously becomes headline news in light of the recent theme. The headline from WSOC 9 in Charlotte reads:
Man caught on camera trashing Korean-owned convenience store in uptown Charlotte
Notice the key narrative drivers in the story:
“A man has been charged after surveillance video shows him trashing a Korean-owned convenience store Tuesday afternoon in uptown Charlotte.
The incident happened around 3:30 p.m. at Plaza Sundries on Trade Street inside the Charlotte Transportation Center.
The owners of the business are Korean and have been in business for about 20 years. Their son, Mark Sung, told Channel 9 there’s no doubt in his family’s minds that they were targeted because they are Asian. […]
He said during the attack Silas was screaming racial slurs.
“As he was doing it, he was like saying racial slurs, cursing at us, threatening us. And the guy that we banned ended up coming into the store cheering him on and screaming, ‘That’s what you get! That’s what you get! Go back to your country!’” Sung said.
After taking a day to clean up the mess, Sung said his parents reopened the shop. He told Channel 9 he has given up hope that the hate will go away.
“This whole racism thing isn’t just going to go away,” he said. “It’s been around for centuries.” […]”
Astute media consumers and cultural observers will recognize right away that the facts of the incident don’t quite fit the narrative. How? If it had, the headline would read, ‘White Man[…]’
Indeed, the perpetrator was a younger, decidedly not-white man. (We have no idea how he voted).
This would necessarily conflict with the narrative that it is White Supremacy and racism among Republicans that are driving anti-Asian violence, but it doesn’t seem to matter. In fact, this errant attempt at kindling another flame in the Woke Anti-Racist (ant-Western, anti-Individual) movement has revealed some uncomfortable truths concerning the real rises in crimes against Asians. The real secret, though, is that even the Left of San Francisco, California has been aware of this dirty secret for over a decade, at least.
Alas, we now live in a world of dueling realities, where truth is second to agenda, and much of the nation is susceptible to popular, fomented delusion.
It does not matter that the evidence contradicts the Left’s narrative of White Supremacy > Racism > anti-Asian crime spikes, and it never has. It is only the ends, the destruction of Western individualism, that matter to those advancing it. That’s why they regularly chant ‘By Any Means Necessary.’
Watch the video of the racist, Trump-inspired, white conservative Republican voter man smashing up a Korean-owned store in Charlotte here.
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