Proving once again that he does not actually care about North Carolina or the people he purports to represent and support, NC NAACP head William Barber is calling for the group to back an ‘economic boycott’ of the state.
Barber said on Thursday that he would be lobbying the national NAACP to call for a national economic boycott of North Carolina.
His call for the boycott was supposedly sparked by the legislature’s failure to repeal HB2.
What makes this move so amusing is the fact that the Democrats who Barber has unwaveringly supported, no matter what, are the very reason HB2 has failed to be repealed.
“It puts another form of pressure on our leaders and our leadership to do right,” Barber said of the boycott.
There is little doubt that those most harmed by a economic boycott of the state would be the very people who believe Barber is looking out for them. Of course, as we all know, he’s really just in this for himself.
Barber is also planning to sue the state under the Voting Rights Act, which doesn’t make much sense, but to each his own.
There will also be another “Moral Monday” protest on February 11th so that Barber and his friends can yell and get arrested a few more times.
Again, to each his own.
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