RALEIGH – That was fast. Barely 24 hours after former Governor Pat McCrory announced his bid for the 2022 US Senate race, the mud slinging has already begun in what is expected to be a contentious primary.
This mud is of the #metoo variety:
I’ve interviewed McCrory several times; once during the 2016 election cycle, he walked away after our interview w/ my mic still on him. I quickly said “I need that back” – w/o missing a beat he smirked, leaned in & said “I was hoping you’d reach into my pocket to grab it.” https://t.co/Ypj9zBoqkD
— alex b. peterson (@alexbpeterson) April 14, 2021
Not exactly the kind of mud that sticks, smothers, and sinks a candidate. Especially after the tolerance shown other politicians for far more lewd and lascivious commentary actually caught on tape.
Yet, the accuser in question has been there before. Peterson also recently spoke out against John Weaver, the founder of the Lincoln Project who was outed as a notorious pervert and deviant. Peterson was one of dozens of accusers against John Weaver.
Yet even the context provides a contrast in the seriousness of the charge here. It is most definitely mud, however, and it’s likely just the beginning as these big names elbow their way to the front of a very big contest for Senate.
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