RALEIGH – First they occupy the legislative building, make sure they understand just what they can and can’t do, and then purposely cross the line. Some of the Moral Monday protesters, the agitating Leftists that have filled the halls of the General Assembly periodically over the last few years to argue for a slue of Big Government/Social Justice programs, now claimed in court this week that the arrests were unfair.
They said the building rules regarding where protesters can go, how much noise they can make, and what level of disruption is allowed, were changed illegally and therefore their arrests were unjustified.
Give me a break.
Luckily, a judge saw through the petty whining pretty quickly.
“A Superior Court judge rejected arguments by Moral Monday protesters who contended that rules used to arrest them at the North Carolina Legislative Building in 2016 were illegal.
Judge Carl Fox found after a brief hearing Monday inside a Wake County Superior Court room that North Carolina General Assembly members had the authority to delegate rule-making to a Legislative Services Commission that sets boundaries for where people can go, what they can do and how much noise they can make while inside the building where lawmakers conduct their business.
The decision means that Carol Anderson and Dale Herman, the Durham residents who challenged the constitutionality of the Legislative Building rules, will move to a full trial to determine whether a district court judge’s ruling finding them guilty of misdemeanor trespass charges will stand.”
Again, if you’ve ever witnessed these perennial protests, you know that these people most definitely mean to get arrested. It gives them ‘street cred’ with their radical Leftist comrades and gives them the mistaken impression that it affects change toward their goals.
Police and legislative Sergeant-at-Arms give these protesters multiple warnings, clear instructions, and plenty of leeway. The arrests made are of people that either want to be arrested, or are completely incapable of following instructions. Either way they deserve to be prosecuted for breaking the law just like everyone else.
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