![Screenshot 2021-06-25 at 12.42.14 PM](https://firstinfreedomdaily.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/Screenshot-2021-06-25-at-12.42.14-PM-1200x630.png)
CHAPEL HILL – Don’t give any money, UNC’s student body president says to potential donors to the University of North Carolina. The states flagship university is currently immersed in a telling tantrum stemming from the Board of Trustees choosing not to exalt a leading purveyor of ideologically-based lies to a lifetime distinguished position atop the university’s School of Journalism, and it’s all exacerbated by the Woke faction of students and faculty throwing an absolute fit about it.
Just days ago, student body president Lamar Richards published a letter to the official executive branch website of UNC government that, among other Woke whines, openly and explicitly instructed minority students considering the school to look elsewhere. UNC was simply too racist, the black student body president said, adding that the university was so systemically afflicted that any ‘marginalized groups’ seeking admission there would only be used as tokens and exploited.
From the letter:
“[…] Let me be very clear: these actions do not and will not ultimately make a difference if racial oppression continues to flow through our university. To pursue or hope for “reform” from this university is akin to requesting a bandage for a racial wound that is far too deep.
The sincerest thing I can share with each of you is that Carolina is not prepared. Carolina is not prepared for the “reckoning” of which it continues to speak and it is certainly not prepared to face the reality of having to undo the entire system upon which it was built—and rebuild.
Until this rebirth occurs, Carolina is not deserving of your talents, aspirations, or successes. If you are a student, staff member, or academic from a historically marginalized identity exploring UNC, I invite you to look elsewhere. If you are considering graduate school, law school, medical school, or other professional programs at UNC, I challenge you to seek other options. While Carolina desperately needs your representation and cultural contributions, it will only bring you here to tokenize and exploit you. And to those that will attempt to misconstrue these words—my words—understand this: I love Carolina, yes, but I love my people and my community more. […]”
What a great advocate for the University of North Carolina, huh? Well Richards seemed to love the attention, and so now he’s (is that he preferred pronoun?) outdoing himself.
From WRAL:
“[…] “It’s a rough time to be at Carolina right now, to be a student at Carolina right now, a staff member or faculty of color at Carolina,” he explained.
He has gotten criticism for urging incoming students of color to consider going elsewhere. Now he’s making another ask, that those who are thinking of donating to UNC, donate to student groups instead — groups which are doing the work to promote racial equity.
“The soul of our university is being carried single-handedly by students, and they need the financial support to do so,” he said.”
Don’t finance the school, finance the mob. Great.
Richards won his election, obviously, but it seems unlikely that he’s in any way representing the sentiments of a massive number of them.
At one of the most Woke-friendly schools in the state, practically embracing Social Justice Warriors for years now, it’s still simply too much oppression. Faculty helping students tear down statues, constantly marching and mobbing to the latest #justice du jour; not enough. BIPOC won’t be free at Carolina until it’s destroyed.
That’s the sentiment; not an exaggeration. Richards claims reform isn’t possible. Instead it must be torn down and rebuilt. And he wants donors to fund the most wildly Woke, and painfully idiotic student groups to lead the charge of….revolution?
What an embarrassment to anyone in the State of North Carolina, let alone UNC alumni and current students.
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