From the Daily Wire:
How repulsive are many mainstream media outlets?
When A-list, two-time Oscar winning actor Kevin Spacey was accused of sexually assaulting a then-14-year-old boy, actor Anthony Rapp, by allegedly carrying him to a bed and then climbing on top of him, Spacey responded by implicitly acknowledging the charges, then blaming his drunkenness and claiming that he has chosen to live as a gay man.
This is the so-called Jim McGreevey defense. McGreevey, of course, was the governor of New Jersey from 2002 to 2004, until news broke that McGreevey had sexually harassed one of his staffers. In order to obfuscate the charges, McGreevey announced that he was gay — even though he was twice-married with children. The media treated him as a hero.
Now, Spacey is getting the same treatment — after acknowledging he might have molested a 14-year-old boy. If only Roman Polanski had chosen the sex of his victim to fall more in line with leftist sensibilities.
Here’s the headline from Reuters: “Actor Kevin Spacey declares he lives life as a gay man.”
Here’s the headline from ABC News: “‘I choose to live as a gay man’: Kevin Spacey comes out in emotional tweet.”
Read more here.
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