CHARLOTTE – The race for sheriff in Mecklenburg County is pivoting on the county’s policy cooperation with federal immigration officials to deport those here illegally. Two challengers in the race are running on the issue, promising to end the policy. The incumbent, Sheriff Irwin Carmichael, is a Democrat that thinks the program makes a whole lot of sense from a law enforcement perspective. Upholding the law is the whole purpose of a sheriff, after all.
The debate caught the eye of NBC Nightly News, who is obviously interested in pushing the narrative that enforcing immigration law is just plain old mean.
Carmichael points out that the top three crimes by illegal aliens in his county are DWI, Assault on a Female, and Indecent Liberties with a Child. So mean of him to want these people out of his county after serving their sentences.
Cooperating with ICE means getting rid of these kinds of criminals, but the Leftists would rather let them stay. They say such enforcement policies discourage victims of crime in illegal alien communities from coming forward, for fear of being deported.
Whatever happened to Law and Order?
Candidates for sheriff, running on platforms built out of ignoring laws. You can’t make this stuff up.
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