MOUNT AIRY – If you miss Mayberry, then you’re in luck. Not only is a feature film inspired by the fictional town on the Andy Griffith Show going to be filmed in the not-so-fictional town of Mount Airy, fans can be a part of it.
A group calling themselves the Children of Mayberry have announced plans to make a ‘Mayberry Man’ movie based on one of the most popular episodes of the Andy Griffith Show.
From the Mount Airy News:
“The movie, first announced in August, is a project being put together largely by children of Andy Griffith show actors. Brothers Cort and Stark Howell, whose late father Hoke Howell played Dud Wash in the series, are two of those Mayberry children behind the project, as is Gregory Schell, son of Ronnie Schell. Stark Howell will be directing and writing the movie, while his brother and the younger Schell are producers.
Cort Howell said he expects to start some early production work in May, with filming to begin in earnest on Sept. 22, during Mayberry Days in Mount Airy. […]
“When fans pledge their support for the movie project on beginning Jan. 15, they can claim from a wide range of rewards such as getting their name in the credits, a DVD of the movie, Mayberry Man merchandise, passes to a red carpet premiere, or they can even be in the movie,” Howell said.
“Mount Airy is Mayberry, so we are very excited about this movie,” said J. Scott Freeman, owner of The Loaded Goat. “At this event, we will be revealing some special ways our customers can participate in the movie that won’t be announced anywhere else.” […]”
Learn how you can be part of the production, and find out which classic episode of the iconic television show inspiring the movie, here.
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