RALEIGH – If you think COVID restrictions have gone too far; mandates have been too intrusive; and, that no one should ever be coerced into vaccination, or discriminated against as a second class citizen for not submitting yourself as a test subject; then, you’ll be happy to let lawmakers know it during the upcoming legislative action day on May 4 at the N.C. General Assembly.
The day of action centers around House Bill 558, legislation prohibiting vaccine passports and, importantly, banning coercive vaccination mandates for businesses, education institutions, and commercial society in general. The bill has been stuck in the Health Committee with no signs of life, and interested citizens are getting the same typical spineless excuses from leadership on why they haven’t taken up the bill.
These lawmakers need to be reminded what voters and constituents expect of them, and coming to Raleigh next Tuesday is a great way to do it.
With the emphasis placed on vaccinating as many people as possible in North Carolina and around the country, the era of Pandemic Panic wouldn’t be complete without despotic calls for coerced vaccinations, vaccine passports, and a two-tiered society of the compliant and the problematic.
While Governor Roy Cooper has indicated support for vaccine passports, he explicitly stated that further easing of coronavirus restrictions, such as mask mandates, will not be granted until two-thirds of North Carolinians agree to be vaccinated.
How about that? Holding your freedoms hostage to arbitrary vaccination metrics, and simultaneously recruiting citizens to pressure and shame their friends and family into taking a new age vaccine against their desires.
Legislation has been filed in the legislature to prohibit vaccine passports, and coerced vaccinations, but lawmakers in REPUBLICAN leadership have so far IGNORED House Bill 558, an Act to Prohibit Mandatory COVID19 vaccinations, from even getting a vote.
From NC Campaign for Liberty‘s Adam Love:
“More bad news, folks. Yesterday, I reported that sources were telling us that the NC House Health Committee Chairs wanted to GUT H558, the bill to protect NC from mandatory COVID vaccines and vaccine passports.
Well, it looks like they went another way, and have decided to ignore it instead.
The Health Committee just released their agenda for Tuesday’s meeting, and H558 is nowhere to be found.
They’ve gotten hundreds of calls and thousands of emails, and in response to that, they’ve decided to give you the middle finger and dare you to do something about it!
If you’re sick of being treated like an annoying child, join us in Raleigh next Tuesday for Legislative Action Day! Confront your legislators and the members of the House Health Committee and tell them you’ll remember their betrayal at their next election! […]”
It is not enough that lawmakers signed a ‘petition.’ It is not enough for them to issue a resolution. When it comes to ensuring the sanctity of your individual rights in the face of authoritarian health and cultural regimes presently employing force to quell resistance, this situation DEMANDS statutes to codify these protections explicitly in law.
That means HB558 deserves an honest hearing, debate, and votes. A chance for opponents to explain just why they’re unwilling to codify such protections; and a chance for advocates to make their case, and affording them an opportunity to address concerns. Anything less is a dereliction of duty by lawmakers elected by the very constituents calling for these protections.
The Health Committee in question meets at 10:00 AM on Tuesday May 4 in Room 643 of the Legislative Office Building at the state government complex.
The legislative day of action runs from 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM, offering plenty of chances to attend committee meetings, visit your lawmakers offices, and let these representatives know what you expect of them concerning this bill. Those standing in the way of such legislation should be far more squeamish about resisting calls for liberty, than they are about upsetting milquetoast donor circles.
If you cannot make it to Raleigh on Tuesday, you can still lend your voice! Light up the phone lines at the offices of the lawmakers currently sandbagging this legislation:
House Health Committee Chairs
[email protected] – 919-733-5861
[email protected] – 919-733-5747
[email protected] – 919-715-0873
[email protected] – 919-733-5908
[email protected] – 919-733-5605
House Speaker Tim Moore
[email protected] – 919-733-3451
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