DURHAM – Anyone paying attention to the rhetoric and political activity of ‘teachers unions’ in North Carolina over the last several years — NCAE, Red4Ed, etc. — is aware of the blatant political agenda that fuels their cause. A radical Leftists agenda.
A teachers organization in Durham, though, wanted to remove all doubt, as they issued a list of demands in order for schools to reopen amid coronavirus worries. No, not a free bottle of hand sanitizer, but a complete shutdown of the state, universal healthcare, moratoriums on rent and mortgages, and direct payments to residents regardless of immigration status.
The mask is off, folks. The Durham Association of Educators (DAE) does not care about the education of children; they care only about participating in and furthering a Pandemic Panic, pushing a Woke agenda, socialism, and the opportunities to indoctrinate your kids.
Statement from the DTA:
“There are concrete policies that have permitted other countries to flatten the curve and return to public life: moratoriums on rent and mortgage, universal health care, direct income support regardless of immigration status. We must fight together, collectively, for changes that will permit our communities to thrive during this pandemic and beyond.”
The DTA has gone full communist.
The group wants all schooling to be virtual, which the county school board has acquiesced to for at least the first nine weeks, also demanded a complete shutdown of the state in order to stamp out the virus.
This hysteria over schools reopening is completely fomented, and contradictory to EVERY SINGLE PIECE OF SCIENCE about the risks of this virus among children and teachers in school settings. For crying out loud, Dr. Mandy Cohen, the Health Czar who has backed up Governor Roy Cooper in generating a sufficient amount of panic, has asserted that she will be sending her children to school in-person.
The authorities in Durham, too, were prepared to send most kids back to school in-person. That is, until the comrades at the DAE issued their list of demands. That forced the school district to backtrack, and revert to virtual schooling only for at least the first nine weeks.
So, a couple months of sending kids to the latest Black Lives Matter, Marxist indoctrination websites.
Isn’t it interesting how the demands from such groups with regards to the coronavirus and the anti-racist movement, are exactly the same? It’s almost as if these crises are embellished or manufactured solely for the purpose of advancing a Radical Marxist agenda.
And they’ll sacrifice your children to do it.
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