University of Maryland President Wallace Loh says he thinks the NCAA’s current investigation into former conference rival North Carolina would lead to a shutdown of athletic programs at the university.
Loh made the comments last week during a Maryland senate meeting last week.
“As president, I sit over a number of dormant volcanoes,” Loh said last week, according to the Raleigh News & Observer. “One of them is an athletic scandal. It blows up, it blows up the university, its reputation, it blows up the president.
“For the things that happened in North Carolina, it’s abysmal. I would think that this would lead to the implementation of the death penalty by the NCAA. But I’m not in charge of that.”
Brian Ullmann, a University of Maryland spokesperson, said that Loh’s comments about North Carolina were “not a reflection of personal beliefs about the university or its leadership.”
North Carolina has been under investigation at one time or another since 2010, when the NCAA started looking into academic fraud concerning as many as 3,100 athletes in various sports over a two-decade period.
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