GREAT MILLS, MD – Sadly there was another school shooting Tuesday at Great Mills High School in Maryland. Fortunately, though, this time the would be murderer was stopped by by a school resource officer. A bad guy with a gun was stopped by a good guy with a gun. Imagine that.
“A gunman who shot and wounded two students at Great Mills High School in Maryland was killed Tuesday after engaging an armed school resource officer, an official said.
The shooter was the only fatality. A female student was critically injured and a male student was also shot but is in stable condition at a hospital, authorities said.
“Our school resource officer was alerted to the event. he pursued the shooter, engaged the shooter, fired a round at the shooter,” St. Mary’s County Sheriff Tim Cameron said. “The shooter fired a round as well. In the hours and days to come, we’ll be able to determine if our school resource officer’s round struck the shooter.””
It is unclear at this point if the school resource officer is the one that killed the shooter, or if the suspect shot and killed himself when confronted with armed resistance.
What is clear is that the presence of an armed protector at this school very likely prevented further carnage and loss of innocent life.
The Left has gone to great lengths to portray suggestions of arming school personnel or having trained, armed security at schools as a reckless idea because it introduces more guns into the environment.
It was just yesterday that N.C. Democratic lawmakers announced plans to file a bevy of gun control and school safety measures. Increasing armed security, whether it be school personnel or otherwise, was not among them. When pressed as to why that was not part of the approach, the Democrats decried such ideas and said that even combat veterans have no business taking on the responsibility of defending school children from an active shooter.
Why? Because they may hurt innocent people in their attempt to stop a shooter. How ludicrous is that?
The officer at Great Mills High School was able to stop a shooter before he was able to kill. He fired one shot and ended it, one way or another. In this case of a good guy with a gun stopping a bad guy with a gun, the media will likely brush over the obvious. A dozen dead bodies would be big news; the prevention of those deaths by an armed protector will be conveniently ignored by the Left as they seek to continue their assault on the Second Amendment and common sense strategies to keep students safe during an active shooting.
Read more updates on the situation in Maryland here.
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