MURPHY – Cherokee Guns has a knack for getting press and getting the Left all worked up. Case in point: a billboard advertising the gun shop features pictures of everyone’s favorite radical Leftist, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) and the three other female lawmakers that make up her ‘squad.’ It says, “The Four Horsemen Are Idiots,” and it’s ruffling feathers.
Among the snowflakes melting down the most is the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence, a gun control group that mistakenly believes that stricter gun control laws will suppress gun violence. They say the billboard is ‘dangerous’ and predictably place part of the blame on President Donald Trump.
“Disgusting anti-government violent rhetoric from Cherokee Guns in North Carolina,” said the coalition’s Monday Facebook post. “Threats against members of Congress, particularly minority members are (rising) and it is driven by the president’s racial rhetoric.”
The overreaction and downright irresponsible framing of this billboard and the gun shop’s motives are quite predictable. The billboard in no way threatens the lawmakers, and it’s not in any way racist. Attaching such motives to the shop owners (and the president) is what is disgusting and dangerous.
With all the blow back, no one would be surprised if the shop owners appeased the PC Police with an apology and removal of the billboard. Fortunately, these owners don’t make a habit of kowtowing to crybabies.
From a marketing standpoint, the doubling down with bumper sticker giveaways is genius. If those that are so offended by the ad thought they were going to shame the gun shop and advance their anti-gun cause, they may be idiots too.
The media, which wastes no opportunity to nudge readers toward the conclusion that Trump supporters are racist, bigoted, gun-toting hillbillies, has gone national with the story. They report online comment battles and try to keep their own hands clean while at the same time smearing the gun shop and its supporters.
Again, just more and more press for Cherokee Guns. They are getting good at stirring things up, having perfected the provocative billboard marketing. Are recent one featured a picture of President Trump and the message, “No collusion. No Obstruction. Just Guns!!! One mile on the right!”
But this is the one that sums it all up:
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