North Carolina Congressman Mark Meadows is slated to be the next Chairman of the House Freedom Caucus after announcing his intentions to run for Chairman on Tuesday, and initial expectations indicating he will run unopposed.
Congressman Jim Jordan of Ohio, who has been the caucuses Chairman since it’s inception in 2015, told Roll Call he does not plan to seek another term as chairman.
The caucus’ nine-member board has to accept Meadows’ candidacy and formally nominate him before he can be elected by the full membership of the caucus.
“I’m hopeful to earn the support of the board in carrying on the fine work that Chairman Jim Jordan has demonstrated over the last two years and put a real focus on a policy-driven agenda that will truly represent the will of the American people,” Meadows said.
Every year, the Freedom Caucus holds an election for chairman, as well as three of the nine board positions, based on a rotating election schedule.
For Tuesday night’s vote, there were actually four open spots after New Jersey Congressman Scott Garrett lost his bid for re-election at the beginning of November.
The three new members elected to the caucus’ board were David Brat of Virginia, Jody Hice of Georgia and Scott Perry of Pennsylvania, while Mick Mulvaney of South Carolina was the lone board member re-elected.
“I just think this group — as much as any other — is trying to do what the American people want done,” Brat remarked. “The election we just had mirrors the issues we’ve been pushing.”
Brat went on to say, “People call us obstructionists. We were obstructionists to bad policy. You wait till you see us this year. We were outsiders. We mirrored the outsider push against D.C. on behalf of this forgotten man — the average American. And so we’re ahead of the curve.”
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