WASHINGTON, D.C. – North Carolina Congressman Mark Meadows maybe on the shortlist to be President Trump’s new chief of staff, but that doesn’t mean he has taken his eye off the real prize – delivering on promises made to the American people.
In an op-ed for Fox News with fellow House Freedom Caucus member Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) Meadows calls for congress to do what they said they would do on the campaign trail. What an idea!
“We make the job of serving in Congress way too complicated. It’s pretty basic. What did we tell the voters we were going to do when they elected us to represent them? That’s what we should do.
Voters elected President Trump to shake up Washington. In his first two years, the president has kept his promises. Now it is Congress’s turn. We have three weeks to help him deliver on his biggest promise: securing the border and building the wall.
The situation at the southern border is critical. The recent caravan was only the first of many. They’re coming because they have a reason.
A series of loopholes in our immigration laws have led to a policy called “catch and release.” When illegal aliens are caught at the border, these loopholes often allow them to enter our nation to wait for an immigration hearing. Sometimes these hearings are years in the future. All too frequently, they don’t even show up.
One example: the law is supposed to allow families with children to be detained together if they’re caught crossing the border illegally. But because of a 1990’s court ruling, the Department of Homeland Security has to release them. From 2016 to early 2018, more than 250,000 illegal aliens detained at the border were released into the United States.
This encourages more people to cross the border illegally. These loopholes and other discussions of amnesty have led to surging apprehensions at the border, with over 50,000 apprehensions in March 2018.
Another example: migrants who show up at the border and claim “credible fear of persecution” are also released. The number of people claiming credible fear has increased from 5,000 in 2009 to 94,000 in 2016. The system is overwhelmed, and it’s getting worse. […]”
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