NC 9TH DISTRICT – The saga in 9th Congressional District has a momentum that cannot be stopped, with the State Board of Elections being dissolved as a result of litigation adding even more uncertainty to the investigation into apparent fraud during the election.
The fraud allegations center on absentee ballots, as you well know by now, with implications that Republican candidate Mark Harris knew of the shady activities while they were happening. Harris, though, maintains that he did not know, nor would have ever approved of any form of cheating in the election process. While he has not been overly vocal, only issuing one official statement during the last couple of months of being in the spotlight, he did recently grant an interview to WBT News, a morning talk radio show broadcast in the Charlotte area.
You can listen to Harris’ interview here. In the interview Harris talks about his intentions to file a petition with the new State Board of Elections demanding the 9th District race be certified, while the investigation into possible fraud continues in earnest. Harris had petitioned the former Board, but was rebuffed by Democrat chairman Joshua Malcolm, citing the still ongoing investigation.
Gov. Roy Cooper initially announced that he would appoint an interim Board until the court proceedings allowed for a permanent body to be established, but reversed himself after Republicans showed no interest in helping him establish another temporary Democrat-dominated Board to wage partisan attacks.
So with no Board, and scheduled hearings on the 9th District investigation being postponed, it is unclear what will come of Harris’ petition. A New Year, it seems, will merely extend the same old uncertainty in the 9th District.
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