Mail ‘Bomb’ Suspect Has Ties to NC

RALEIGH – Everyone and everything always seems to have ties to North Carolina. That happens to be the case with the dangerous loser that decided to mail bombs, or imitations of them, to Democratic figures around the country last week.

“The Florida man who was charged Friday in the spate of pipe bombs mailed to prominent Democrats and critics of President Donald Trump is a former UNC Charlotte soccer player who also attended a second North Carolina college.

Cesar Sayoc, 56, of Aventura, Fla., just north of Miami, was charged with interstate transportation of an explosive, illegal mailing of explosives, threats against former presidents, threatening interstate communications and assaulting federal officers, according to The Miami Herald.

A student by the same name attended UNC Charlotte in the 1983-84 school year but didn’t declare a major, UNCC spokeswoman Buffie Stephens said. He also played on the school’s soccer team. A team roster shows that Sayoc played in 11 games in 1983, starting seven of them but scoring no goals.”

He also attended Brevard College for a small period of time before embarking on a path that eventually led him to living in his van.

Read more about the suspect’s time in North Carolina here.

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