WILMINGTON – The Trump Train continues to make stops in the Old North State as Lara Trump, a North Carolina native and daughter-in-law of the president, heads to the Port City on Wednesday to host a MAGA event, according to the campaign.
It will be held at the New Hanover County Republican Party Headquarters (2808 Market St.
Wilmington, NC, 28403) starting at 6:00 PM.
While in Wilmington, Lara Trump will continue sharing the MAGA agenda and pushing for the reelection of her father-in-law. North Carolina, as you know, is a vital swing state in the 2020 elections with a lot on the line. The enthusiasm for, and success of the top of the ticket could very well determine the fortunes of the rest of the ticket. That means the U.S. Senate race; the pivotal race for governor; the strength of the Republican majority int he state legislature; and Council of State races like the state attorney general, Superintendent of Public Instruction
Want to MAGA? You can get tickets here.
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