Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson on the Indoctrination in North Carolina Public Education Report

RALEIGH – They released the report, and presented findings to the N.C. Senate, who then voted on legislation to ban the viewpoint indoctrination of kids in public schools. The Office of Lieutenant Governor Mark Robinson released the following statement about the report:

“Five months ago, my office created the Fairness and Accountability in the Classroom for
Teachers and Students Task Force (F.A.C.T.S.). The primary goal of this task force was
to allow the voices of concerned citizens to be heard regarding public K-12 education in
North Carolina.

Today, my office released a report in response to the submissions. The report has
compiled information from the; 500+ F.A.C.T.S. submissions, follow-up emails with
those who submitted complaints to gain additional evidence, documents from public
schools and county boards of education, articles, and relevant social media from those
involved in public education in North Carolina.

The report covered six themes.

– Fear of Retaliation
– The Sexualization of Kids
– Critical Race Theory (CRT)
– White Shaming
– Biased News Media and/or Lesson Plans
– Shaming of Certain Political Beliefs

Here is a look at some of the submissions my office has received:

(Submission 279)
I definitely have some fear in disclosing this information, and would appreciate your
discretion. However, I believe it is wrong for schools to pressure teachers in this way,
and schools should NEVER work against or deceive parents about what goes on in
the classroom.

(Submission 162)

Is a children’s book used in North Carolina classrooms illustrates a biological boy in the fourth grade who wants to be a girl. The book talks about cutting off male genitalia and hormone therapy. The submitter who shared this information said the book was included
in their child’s elementary school. This book is recommended for third- to seventhgrade students. An excerpt from the book is below:

“So, like, do you want to”–he made a gesture with two fingers like a pair of scissors–“go
all the way?” George squeezed her legs together. “Maybe someday,” she said.

(Submission 197)

My name is … and I am in my 14th year of teaching high school … classes. Faculty and staff are required to attend professional development related to “equity” and “microaggression” as it relates to race, gender and other areas. They define microaggression as “The everyday slights, indignities, put downs and insults that people of color, women, LGBT populations or those who are marginalized experiences in their day-to-day interactions with people.” As a staff, we are being told we are unintentionally
racist based on the color of our skin (white because we have racial bias we are “unaware”
of. We are given examples of microaggressions such as a statement “I believe everyone
can succeed in today’s society if they work hard and the most qualified people should get
the job” translates to “white people believe people of color are lazy and don’t work hard.”
… These presentations are making their way into the classroom as faculty and staff are
promoting their own political beliefs and opinions onto their students.

(Submission 37)

My child came home with a paper on vocabulary words to learn and one of the words was
xenophobic. The teacher had definitions on one side and sentences on the other and the
sentence that described xenophobia was “President Trump has xenophobia.” Another
example was a definition of republican was that republicans don’t care for people’s issues and Democrats are people who care for people. Now to make this clear I told my child that both parties care about people and those definitions where wrong. I think we need to stop this problem like you said and go back to basics.

The Governor’s School of North Carolina is a five-and-a-half-week summer residential
program created for the advancement of exceptional high school students. Each year, the
Governor’s School consist of 335 high school students between two campuses.

The item below was shown at the Governor’s School and came from a student that attended the program:

These are only some of the submissions we received, but the evidence is clear. There is no doubt that indoctrination is taking place in our children’s education, and this report proves just that. I am proud of the work my office has done over the past year. This is only the first step in making education a place where children can once again learn how to think, and not what to think.

Mark Robinson
Lieutenant Governor of North Carolina

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