RALEIGH – With multiple legislative redistricting efforts in North Carolina being effectively usurped by the court system, enabled by Leftist lawsuits that seek to accomplish with litigation what they cannot achieve with legislation, Lieutenant Governor Dan Forest (R) is speaking out against the power grab.
If a power-hungry federal court can order that a California-based professor gets to usurp the North Carolina legislature’s constitutional authority to draw election maps, then there is no limit to federal judicial power. This is nothing short of judicial tyranny. #ncpol #ncga
— Lt. Gov. Dan Forest (@LtGovDanForest) January 19, 2018
Forest is right on the money, here. The judiciary was purposely designed as the weakest of the three branches of government due to its relative distance from voter accountability. Courts are not supposed to make laws, let alone draw legislative maps to suit their preferences.
Lately, however, the judiciary’s reach has grown longer, and the other branches have neglected to remind them of just how much constitutional authority opinions of the court have.
In North Carolina, a legislative minority has teamed up with a barely-elected Democratic governor to continuously file legal challenges to stymie the legislative mandate of a Republican majority. The courts have, for the most part, provided them cover by issuing opinions that unduly legitimize Democrats’ partisan claims and thereby silencing the will of voters that elected Republican majorities in multiple elections – under Democrat and Republican district maps.
Or, in short, a tyranny of the judiciary.
It is happening on the federal level, as well, as evident in the constant blocking of President Trump’s immigration orders – an area exclusively delegated to the executive.
While the position of lieutenant governor has limited influence in addressing these issues, there happens to be an election in 2020 that would offer conservatives a chance to elevate a voice like Forest’s.
A voice that some of the most reliable conservatives in the General Assembly would love to have backing them up.
This man has insight and courage — indispensable in this moment. https://t.co/BFfThxKHkm
— Sen. Dan Bishop (@jdanbishop) January 20, 2018
“Indispensable.” That sounds about right.
Run. Forest. Run.
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