RALEIGH – As anticipated, a federal judge in North Carolina blocked implementation of the roundly supported voter ID law this week in yet another act of judicial activism on behalf of Democrats’ political interests. The State is represented in the case by N.C. Attorney General Josh Stein, a Democrat who has a history of sandbagging the State’s defense of voter ID in court.
Lieutenant Governor Dan Forest, a Republican, is calling on Stein to fulfill his constitutional duty in defending the State.
“The people of North Carolina spoke clearly when we added voter ID to the state constitution: We’ve had enough chaos and doubt in our elections. Activist Democrat judges must stop this cycle of last-minute changes that erode faith in the democratic process.
We hope Attorney General Josh Stein and Governor Cooper’s Election Board will uphold their oaths to the Constitution and laws of North Carolina and oppose this federal judge’s ruling.”
Forest feels obligated to urge a robust defense for good reason; last time AG Stein was charged with defending the State in a voter ID case, he simply withdrew North Carolina from the case. No matter that the legislature had no interest in giving up, or that a majority of people support such common sense laws. Stein prioritized earning political points from his Leftist base instead of honoring his oath and the constitutional role he was elected to fulfill.
For now it appears the ID requirement for voters will be blocked for at least the primary elections in March. Whichever way the case is ultimately decided, what has become clear is that certain actors in the judiciary have cut the courts’ tether to the constitution. How many bipartisan laws must be blocked by judicial diktat — laws passed by a duly elected legislature, with documented majority support across the state, and explicitly within the constitutional purview of the legislative branch of state government — before the legislature kindly informs the activist judge where they can stick their order?
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