From Lady Liberty 1885:
“The City of Durham and the city’s police chief are being sued over the City Council’s rejection of a police training exchange program with Israel.
Two Israeli volunteer police officers, Moshe Eyal and Itay Livneh, have filed a civil discrimination suit in North Carolina’s Superior Court against the city of Durham and its police chief, CJ Davis.
The suit states that “The city of Durham has two standards when it comes to international police exchanges: One for the Israelis and one for the rest of the world.”
The lawsuit alleges that the City Council, at the direction and urging of antisemitic Boycott, Sanctions, and Divestment (BDS) groups, violated the North Carolina Constitution by discriminating against the plaintiffs on the basis of national origin.
The Durham Council’s decision was influenced by one of the most vocal anti-Israel groups which masquerade as a pro-Jewish organization called Jewish Voice For Peace (JVP).
Today, along with Yifa Segal of the International Legal Forum and Daniel Meier of North Carolina, I filed suit in North Carolina Superior Court against the City of Durham,” David Abrams, executive director of the Zionist Advocacy Center in New York City and an attorney of the plaintiffs said in a statement on Facebook.
“The suit, which was filed on behalf of two volunteer policemen in Israel, alleges that Durham’s recent resolution against police exchanges with Israel is a violation of the North Carolina Constitution,” wrote Abrams.
The exchange Abrams is talking about is the Durham’s City Council, led by Mayor Pro Tem Jillian Johnson garnering the dubious distinction of becoming the first U.S. city to ban the exchange program with Israel. [… ]”
And the Left tries to act like Republicans are the ones spreading antisemitism?!
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