WASHINGTON, D.C. – President Donald Trump is scheduled to brief the nation about Iranian missile strikes launched at Us Bases housing American personnel Tuesday night. There were no Americans hurt and reports are that despite the more than dozen missiles launched in waves at the base, many were duds, or completely failed to hit their assumed targets.
The Iranians have also vowed not to attack further as long as the U.S. does not retaliate, a possible sign that this was a face-saving move by the Iranian regime to appease their hardliners at home. If that proves true, the strategic killing of Iran’s top terrorist general will have achieved exactly what the president asserted as his motive. Despite liberals at home and Iranian officials abroad framing the Soleimani killing as a reckless transgression that will heighten the chance of all out war, the pinpoint damage done by killing their most powerful and untouchable warlord was maximal, while no more American lives were lost (so far). The strength of the Iranian ayatollahs reaction was and is a testament to how detrimental a hit Trump’s bold action was.
We’ll have to wait for President Trump to know how the US will respond. Predicated on the president’s former red line of American lives, no further kinetic retaliation may be warranted. That would serve to let cool the situation down as long as Iran behaves itself. However, that doesn’t mean actions to contain and confront Iran will stop, as there re many other measures the administration can and will take to do so in coming days and weeks.
Watch the president’s remarks live below.
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