RALEIGH – It has been placed, withdrawn, and replaced on the House calendar for weeks now. The Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Act, which would require medical professionals to offer life-saving care to babies that survive an abortion attempt, was vetoed by Governor Roy Cooper earlier this year. The N.C. Senate overrode that veto, but the weakened Republican majority in the N.C. House has a stiffer challenge that requires Democrats to vote with them, or not show up, on Wednesday.
“I think the veto will be sustained,” Cooper said to press after a Council of State meeting Tuesday. “We need to move on from these divisive social and political issues and talk about the real issues facing the people of North Carolina: education, health care, bringing good-paying jobs.”
(Cooper then addressed the totally non-divisive political issue of pushing for Medicaid expansion and resisting tax cuts, but I digress.)
Considering Cooper’s confidence on the Born Alive veto, House Democrats must be having more success at keeping their troops in line than their counterparts in the Senate did. Still, there still remains a chance that the conscience of a handful of Democrats can be revived to help the N.C. House achieve a three-fifths majority vote to override this veto and protect the lives of abortion survivors.
The Left may criticize the bill as a political stunt, but that’s only to distract from the fact that the vast majority of Democrat state lawmakers were too fearful of falling out of favor with an increasingly extreme Democratic agenda to take a simple, common sense stand for life.
If you’d like to call on House Democrats to demand they take that stand, you can find their office contact information here. The final result will reveal a lot about how far Left the N.C. Democratic Party has shifted in recent years, and let voters know exactly who is deserving of a challenge in 2020.
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