RALEIGH – The activist Left is back to their old devices in the state capital this year, holding regular protests and planned arrests every Monday afternoon since mid-May, but this time under a different name. What was the Moral Monday Movement has now morphed into the Poor People’s Campaign.
‘A rose by any other name would smell as…’ well, we’re not sure anyone of these protesters smell sweet in any sense, but you get the point. New name, same old tactics of agitation for the purpose of advancing the Left’s radical agenda.
Monday there were more than a dozen arrested as they ignored police warnings and stormed the offices of the House Speaker Tim Moore (R-Cleveland) and Senate leader Phil Berger (R-Rockingham).
“General Assembly Police Chief Martin Brock says 13 people were led away Monday in zip ties outside the offices of House Speaker Tim Moore and Senate leader Phil Berger were being charged with second-degree trespassing.
Brock says the charges came after officers responded to noise complaints. Over 150 people attending a Poor People’s Campaign rally outside the building had come inside.
Police have now arrested or cited 87 people in Raleigh since weekly campaign demonstrations began May 14. Demonstrators this week focused on environmental and health care issues. They demanded Medicaid expansion, the elimination of fracking and energy entirely from renewable resources.”
While the group doesn’t seem to be garnering the same numbers as they did during the Moral Monday heydays of 2013/2014, the ends and actors of the new campaign are largely the same. They still get inspired by the Marxist bellowing of Rev. William Barber and push completely unreasonable (and ignorant) policies as they demonize Republicans for everything they do.
Now, though, the movement has gone nationwide as Barber matriculated to a national stage for advancing Marxism.
Medicaid expansion is one glaring consistency, as the Democrats have been pushing for the State to expand and exploit the “free” money offered by the federal government. Luckily, Republican majorities have no interest in expanding an entitlement program to include able-bodied adults with jobs.
Fracking, too, has previously been a target of Leftists, especially when the state was exploring potential gas deposits a few years ago.
But then, as can be expected, they venture into crazy territory with their insistence that the State get all of its energy from renewable resources like wind and solar. All of it. No fossil fuel power plants, no gas/diesel burning cars, no oil burning heaters.
And it’s not just the activists looking to earn themselves some zip-ties that believe such a goal is desirable – Democrat state lawmakers like Rep. Pricey Harrison (D-Guilford) and others have presented resolutions proposing a fossil fuel free North Carolina by a certain date.
As absurd as that sounds, these are the same Democrats that are hoping for a Blue Wave to sweep them into power on Jones Street.
Rest assured that next week will come more arrests and more Progressive policy demands by a group of professional troublemakers as they seek to animate the Left’s core group of social/environmental justice voters during election time.
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