RALEIGH – If you thought it was bad that then-Attorney General Roy Cooper treated his top law enforcement position as an extended campaign for governor, then current Attorney General, and Cooper understudy, Josh Stein must really make your blood boil.
Stein has spent his roughly two years in office doing his best to, either, stymie the Republican General Assembly (unethically backing out of voter ID case), or jumping on to Leftist cause celebres to remind the socialist kooks he’s got their back.
He does this by jumping on the bandwagons propelled by coalitions of Left leaning states (or their arrogant Leftist politicians) to gain attention fighting for, you name it, illegal immigration, higher taxes, whacky environmentalism, and on and on.
His latest (mis)representation of the citizens of the Old North State is joining the likes of California and New Jersey to whine about Trump era rules at the Environmental Protection Agency that requires the decisions making process at the bureaucracy to only include scientific studies whose data are *GASP* transparent and available to the public.
They’re calling on the current EPA head to get rid of the rule or….they’ll sue. How predictable.
“The call was part of detailed comments Attorney General Stein submitted as part of a 23-member coalition of states, counties, and cities on former EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt’s proposed “Strengthening Transparency in Regulatory Science” rule.
“Prioritizing strong science should be a no-brainer for the EPA,” said Attorney General Josh Stein. “This rule is silly, but its impacts could be serious. I urge Acting Administrator Wheeler to withdraw it.”
By compromising EPA’s ability to use the latest, best available, and generally-accepted science, the proposed rule would violate the very federal laws that EPA is required to uphold – including the Safe Drinking Water Act, the Clean Water and Air Acts, the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act, Toxic Substances Control Act, and other of nation’s core environmental and public health statutes.”
First, the notion that the EPA could not use some relevant scientific studies because the bureaucrats refused to make the data transparent tells you all you need to know. Stein and his fellow attention-seeking Leftists seriously claim that this is illegal because some studies, for example, health studies, have personal info that is unlawful to publish.
So, are we to believe the geniuses that pride themselves on ‘saving our planet’ cannot figure out how to scrub identifying info from health studies in order to make the data transparent?
In reality, it’s an entirely contrived concern to avoid having to make the publish the actual data behind that “generally-accepted” science, a.k.a climate change.
Because if that ‘data’ were made transparent, the self-important crusaders at the EPA might have to face the fact that “generally-accepted” is not the same as proven and repeatable. You know, the standard order of operations for the scientific method.
Alas, that does not serve the interest of the myth propagating crowd on the Left. However, this ‘call to action, or we’ll sue’ does serve a purpose – it gets politicians like Stein attention for their perceived resistance to the Trump administration and pads their resume for a future political run.
We probably won’t need to wait eight years for Stein to exploit his time as attorney general to make a run at, let’s say, U.S. Senate. There’s another race there in 2020 and 2022, but then again the current occupant of the term expiring in 2020 may not be that ideologically far removed from Stein and his fellow environmentalist wackos.
Go figure.
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