RALEIGH – It is rather entertaining to see the Left in North Carolina engaged in some intra-family squabbling that reveals how awful they really are to anyone who is paying attention. Rep. Duane Hall (D-Wake), the lawmaker accused of coming on to strong to several women and kissing a couple against their will, is coming out swinging against the organization that published the piece, N.C. Policy Watch.
Hall says that the non-profit has broken the law because it coordinated the timing of their ‘hit piece’ with Hall’s political opponents and thereby engaged in the kind of electioneering such organizations are prohibited from.
“Hall has denied the allegations. On Tuesday, he said the Justice Center and Policy Watch must follow their mission statement to work on “issues of concern to low and middle income North Carolinians” and that, by working for a year on the story about him, the group violated federal rules for nonprofits.
The Justice Center is “absolutely prohibited from intervening in a political campaign for or against any candidate for an elective public office,” Hall said in a statement, quoting IRS tax-filing instructions.
He said Policy Watch “must explain their bloggers’ coordination with other political campaigns to time the release of their story for the end of the primary filing. They discussed their yearlong work with my political opponents before publication.”
Hall previously accused N.C. Policy Watch of acting on a personal vendetta because he had dated, and broken up with Megan Glazier, daughter of Leftist N.C. Justice Center executive director Rick Glazier, which publishes the Leftist N.C. Policy Watch. Ms. Glazier also works at N.C. Policy Watch. None of these facts were ever mentioned in the original piece accusing Hall of improprieties.
Unfortunately for Hall, his friends on the Left have all fixed the #Metoo movement firmly in their politicking and thus continue to call for his resignation. “I believe the women…,” said N.C. House minority leader Rep. Darren Jackson (D-Wake).
Hall undoubtedly helped create the kind of trial by public, guilty until proven innocent culture of the Left, and then promptly (allegedly) stole kisses and whispered lewd comments to several women.
A up and coming Leftist lawmaker’s credibility is damaged, seemingly beyond repair, by his own actions. And now he’s questioning the credibility of a purveyor of Leftist political policy that loves to attack conservatives and demean people like Lt. Gov. Dan Forest for their Christian faith. Basically, it’s a win-win.
“Jonathan Jones, director of the NC Open Government Coalition and an expert on the media at Elon University, said he thinks Policy Watch made an ethical mistake by failing to disclose that Glazier dated Hall.
“That opens the door for people to question Policy Watch’s motives and credibility, as Mr. Hall is trying to do now,” Jones said. “News organizations should always err on the side of disclosure when it comes to potential conflicts of interest, whether they are real or perceived.””
That last line is troublesome for basically the entire ‘news’ industry. Here at First in Freedom Daily, we definitely have a conservative, liberty agenda and wear it on our sleeve. Almost all of the mainstream ‘news’ media covering this story, though, pride themselves on objective journalism while undermining that very thing via obvious bias toward the Left.
Still, watching the circular firing squad on the Left is nice for a change, because they are usually so unified on expanding government and taking way your rights. Not sure this was the best way for the Democrats to ‘Break the Majority.’
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