WASHINGTON, D.C. – The Left is predictably crying foul over President Trump’s insistence on a parade celebrating the Unites States Military and its veterans. They like to make him out to be a war monger, despite his record (did you know this US President has produced the longest period of peace on the Korean peninsula since 1953?), but a veteran who earned a Medal of Honor is speaking out to thank President Trump for paying respect to the military and veterans.
From Fox News:
“[…] Sgt. First Class Leroy Petry, who lost part of his arm in a battle in Afghanistan in 2008, said on “Fox & Friends First” that he sees it as a great way for the nation to say “thank you” to those who serve.
“So, thank you President Trump for honoring all of our veterans,” said Petry, recalling that Vietnam veterans returned to a mostly ungrateful country and he appreciates when people thank him for his service.
The parade is being called “Salute to America” and will include a speech from Trump, a demonstration by the U.S. Navy’s Blue Angels flight squadron and $1 million worth of fireworks — $750,000 of which was donated. There may also be a display of Abrams tanks and other military vehicles along the National Mall. […]”
When asked for his response to all the criticism about the parade and how much it will cost, Petry — the Army Ranger that served eight tours of duty between Iraq and Afghanistan, and was awarded the Medal of Honor by President Barack Obama in 2011 for saving lives by picking up a live grenade and throwing it back as it exploded, severing his right hand — waved his prosthesis and said, “The cost to me was worth it for all of our American citizens, so when it comes to thanking our veterans and doing the right thing, the cost is worth it to me. It should be to everyone else.”
Read more from Fox News.
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