RALEIGH – While much of the media brushes over the continuing waves of riots, wanton violence, and historic surges in crime in cities in North Carolina and around the country, North Carolina’s voters, it seems, are squarely focused on restoring Law and Order when it comes to the 2020 elections.
One question in an expansive survey conducted by the Civitas Institute asked participants how important ‘crime and public safety’ when considering their vote in this fall’s election:
If a voter finds crime and public safety as very important, or important issues in considering their vote, how likely is it because they think there is too little of it?
Indeed, the survey reveals that 40 percent of respondents (correctly) figure that crime is up in the last six months:
Despite the best efforts of Leftist Legacy Media, many people have been paying attention to reports that crime in major North Carolina cities has skyrocketed. Murders have TRIPLED in Durham. In early June, violent riots besieged Raleigh, Charlotte, Greensboro, Durham, Fayetteville, and other urban centers.
The unrest is all driven by the Black Lives Matter movement, which very much represents an alarming attempt at Marxist cultural revolution, with Marx’s class warfare morphing into Woke identity warfare and racist anti-racism.
Emblematic of just how successful the BLM cultural insurrection has been, this same survey found that nearly 60 percent of respondents hold a favorable view of Black Lives Matter.
Yet, at the same time, 65 percent have a favorable view of ‘Law and Order‘; 70 percent disapprove of ‘Defund the Police‘; and, 85 percent a favorable opinion of police officers (thank goodness).
So, what gives? How does a majority support a movement that expressly disgustingly demonizes and dehumanize law enforcement officers and makes defunding police a central tenet of their movement, but ALSO support law and order, public safety, police officers, while roundly rejecting the defunding of police?
The answer may lie in how Black Lives Matter and this entire cultural confrontation has been fomented. Publicly opposing BLM is a good way to be called a racist; adherents to the ideology have sure of that.
Social pressures of such cultural movements mean that even those that do oppose the radical Marxists pretending to be civil rights advocates while burning cities down, many people would rather not make themselves a target of vicious attacks at the hands of Woke Anti-Racist Mobs. The guilt complex foisted upon the nation by BLM and the Critical Theorists has the effect of people being more or less afraid to disagree. Especially not publicly, but the pressures likely extend right into answering survey questions too.
That when it comes to the actual issues of defunding police and law and order, the priorities of North Carolina voters become more clear, is hopefully a silver lining. If that translates into election results that reject the instigators and mobs remains to be seen.
Read the rest of the survey results here.
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