DURHAM – So what’s the best way to avoid facing consequences for breaking the law? Just break the law in the name of Radical Leftist causes, of course!
“Durham County District Attorney Roger Echols said Thursday that he intends to drop all felony charges against those arrested in an August protest in which a Confederate monument outside the old county courthouse was pulled down.
Echols said he plans to prosecute the eight defendants only on misdemeanor charges of defacing a public building or monument, conspiracy to deface a public building or monument and injury to real property. Felony charges of participation in a riot with property damage in excess of $1,500 and inciting others to riot where property damage exceeds $1,500 haven’t formally been dismissed, but Echols said he won’t pursue them.”
No matter that the events and actions by the individuals in question on August 14 fit the felony charges to a letter, but for some reason Leftist protesters never seem to be held fully responsible for their deliberate actions, whether it’s at the General Assembly obstructing state business, or destroying property in Durham.
As long as it’s for the right reasons, you can rest assured that they won’t throw the book at you.
“The case has prompted repeated rallies by other demonstrators demanding that all charges be dismissed.
“This is an incredible victory that is a testament to the will of the people to struggle for freedom and liberation, the same will we saw expressed in Durham on August 14,” Takiyah Thompson, one of the defendants, said in a statement.”
It wouldn’t be surprising if they did drop all the charges. After all, Durham leadership is full of sympathetic social justice warriors that probably agree with the actions taken that day. The group that pulled down the statue, after all, was led by an adamant Marxist that openly sympathizes with communist North Korea.
As long as serious consequences are not faced by lawbreakers of any kind, especially when the soft treatment is advertised, it will serve to embolden more and more lawlessness.
Just what Durham needs…more lawlessness.
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