GATES COUNTY – Anywhere officials have power and access, there is bound to be some corruption. The latest example may be in Gates County where a sheriff and three deputies have been indicted on embezzlement among other charges.
“The sheriff of Gates County was temporarily removed from office Monday after he and three of his deputies were indicted on criminal charges, according to NBC affiliate WITN.
Sheriff Randy Hathaway is charged with obstruction of justice, obtaining property by false pretense and failure to discharge duties. Capt. Glynda Parker, Deputy Levar Newsome and Deputy Tobe Ruffin are charged with obtaining property by false pretense. All four were released on unsecured bonds.
Gates County District Attorney Andrew Womble said all four are accused of receiving dual pay for work that may or may not have been done.
Womble said the SBI investigation began last spring, when Deputy Patrick Batts was charged with having sex with a prisoner.
Last month, Sgt. Brandon Hawks was fired after he was charged with two counts of embezzlement of property by public officer and one count of larceny of a firearm. The charges stemmed from the theft of white powder and a handgun from the sheriff’s office.”
Looks like there will be a new sheriff in town, and these alleged thieves of taxpayers’ hard-earned money will learn what a jail cell looks like from the inside.
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