RALEIGH – President Joe Biden’s visit to North Carolina to push more people into experimental vaccination wasn’t totally worthless. In fact, while in Raleigh with groupie Governor Roy Cooper, Biden gave remarks that have made national news headlines and sparked all sorts of discussion.
Latinx? Lateenex? Whatever, they’re all scared of getting deported.
This is essentially what Biden groaned as he listed all the problems the government is having convincing more people to take the vaccine for the Wuhan Lab Virus. It has made for some entertaining commentary, and exploration of how Biden’s mispronunciation isn’t nearly as ridiculous as the terms themselves.
But it’s not the first time Biden has demonstrated an issue with the Woke gender neutral term, or, more generally, the group it’s supposed to represent. One hilarious and revealing commentary comes from Stu Burguiere of BlazeTV as discusses Biden’s Latinx Problem.
And just to be clear: Latin people hate the term LatinX.
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