RALEIGH – As we creep into another month, those at North Carolinians For Immigration Reform and Enforcement (NCFIRE) remind us that every time the calendar page turns over is another month full of entirely preventable crimes by illegal aliens. Preventable because the proper enforcement of immigration laws, and a border secured against illegal entry, would arguably have inhibited these individuals from being here in the first place.
From James Johnson, President of NCFIRE:
“We have posted the March 2019 edition of “Child Rapes By Illegal Aliens in NC” report.
During March, we were able to document 14 illegal aliens who racked up 45separate charges of child rape/child sexual assault. (A couple of them were ones we had missed in previous months.)
You can view the report here: https://www.ncfire.info/march2
One thing you CAN do to help alleviate this problem somewhat is, to support HB370- Require Sheriff Cooperation with ICE Act.
This bill was recently passed by the NC House and now sits in the Committee On Rules and Operations of the Senate. Contact the Chairman and Vice Chairman of that committee and urge them to bring this bill up for a vote.
Chairman- Sen. Bill Rabon- Bill.Rabon@ncleg.net– (
Vice Chairman- Sen. Harry Brown- Harry.Brown@ncleg.net–
It is about time state lawmakers leveraged their lawmaking authority to clarify that local law enforcement officials are obligated to cooperate with federal authorities in keeping with federal and state laws to keep our communities safe. No matter the ratio of ‘good guys’ and ‘bad guys’ among illegal immigrant populations, our communities cannot be considered safe if unchecked illegal immigration allows for either to enter and live among us unaccounted for.
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