WASHINGTON, D.C. – It may be long way from Hollywood, but the epicenter of cinematics will be in the nation’s capital today as the first public impeachment hearings get underway in the Democrats’ sham attempt at a public opinion coup. The witnesses, many of which aren’t actually witnesses at all, will be giving dramatic live performances of their previous written testimony. Adam Schiff ultimately chooses which witnesses will give testimony, so naturally they will cherry pick the ones whose testimony they think damages the president the most. That starting cast will all seek to turn a mole hill into a mountain worthy of impeachment; none of them will have an ounce of justification for that assessment outside of partisan or personal animosities.
Brought to you by the producers of the Russia Hoax and The Mueller Report, and in association with Deep State Studios, watch the Big Impeachment Show below, starting at 10:00 AM and witness this slapstick comedy starring Adam Schiff.
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