RALEIGH – A Wake County judge sided with Chris Anglin and against the N.C. General Assembly on Monday, calling unconstitutional the legislature’s retroactive law requiring a candidate to have been registered with a political party for 90 days prior to filing in order to have that party label listed on the ballot.
“The case came down to whether the legislature violated Anglin’s and Edwards’ rights when it passed the new law, after filing for judicial races had already ended, that stripped the party affiliations of any candidates who changed their party registration within 90 days of the filing deadline. Since it applied retroactively and with no opportunity for the candidates to comply with its new requirements, Wake County Superior Court Judge Becky Holt overturned the law as it applied to Anglin and Edwards.
In a press conference after the trial Monday, Burns said this case was important in a broader sense because it will “keep the government from reaching back in time and doing something you can’t react to.””
As you well know by now, attorney Chris Anglin is a Democrat that switched parties just prior to his last minute filing for the N.C. Supreme Court race against Republican incumbent Justice Barbara Jackson and social justice warrior Democrat Anita Earls.
Of course, Anglin (his Democrat strategist Perry Woods, and his Democrat lawyer John Burns) is not running against Earls at all. He is running as a Republican FOR her, in order to pull votes away from Jackson and set up Earls for a victory.
Burns even seems to acknowledge the charade after their court victory, saying that his client’s actual partisan leanings are up to the voters to decide.
Speaker Tim Moore’s office pushed back against the decision, naturally, but it is unclear as of yet if it will be appealed. There is very little time left before ballots printing must commence.
“Today’s misguided ruling protects Democrats’ deliberate effort to split the vote by confusing voters about a candidate’s true affiliation, despite the state legislature’s longstanding authority to set party label rules for candidates and efforts to conform judicial races with every other public office statewide,” a spokesman for Moore, Joseph Kyzer, said. “Lawmakers are reviewing their legal options.”
You can probably see the smirks on the face of Anglin and the N.C. Democratic Party leaders from the space station with the cheap trick they will apparently get away with in broad daylight here.
To some extent, it’s hard to blame them. It’s not as if these Democratic operatives have any real scruples about unethical actions – they’re entire political philosophy proves that. They saw a gaping loophole to exploit and they are doing it, taunting ‘nana nana boo boo, you can’t stop me’ all the way to election day.
The blame instead goes to those that dropped the ball when judicial races went partisan and primaries were canceled. Someone in Republican leadership should have seen this gaping hole, and enacted the 90 day requirement before the filing period began.
In any case, Jackson needs an effective campaign response to the Anglin disinformation in order to best Anita Earls on election day. Your friends and family, and those you shoot the breeze with talking about the weather, need to know: Barbara Jackson is the Republican candidate for N.C. Supreme Court that is committed to interpreting the constitution as written, actively combating judicial activism, and applying the law to protect your rights as an individual.
Read more about the case here.
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