RALEIGH – Days like today bring an unusual sense of dissonance, as the heavily anticipated event arrives, only to be met by a feeling of dread. Today is election day 2020, and perhaps the most pivotal day in modern political history. The contrast in consequences, depending on which direction that pivot is made, forms the basis of that dread, for the last six months has shown us that one of them carries us swiftly away from the America of our forefathers.
So, with a mixture of gleeful anticipation and foreboding dread, voters head to the polls in North Carolina and around the nation.
That is, the voters that have not already cast their ballots. After all, nearly 60 million people voted early in this election, whether by mail or in-person early voting. In North Carolina, the early vote tallies up to an incredible 95 percent of the 2016 total vote.
If you have not voted yet, the time is now. With some voting locations facing some changes, it’s vital to look up your polling place beforehand. If you recognize the political and cultural threats currently facing our state and nation, vowing to fundamentally transform their very foundation in pursuit of some Woke Utopia, voting to push back against it is imperative.
People are free to vote however they want, or to not vote at all. But not voting is not equal to merely sitting it out; deciding not to vote is an act in itself. It doesn’t take a genius to figure out why withholding your vote from one side necessarily benefits the other.
Across the Old North State, polling precincts opened with out any problems, for the most part. A few, in a few counties – Cabarrus, Sampson, and Guildford — opened late, but only by about 15-30 minutes. A meeting of the N.C. State Board of Elections will all but certainly extend their voting hours by a similar amount.
When polls close, more than a million additional votes will be cast (maybe a lot more), and records for turnout will very likely be shattered.
Thinking about potential voter turnout scenarios in #ncpol. Here are the last few cycles (computed as % of registered voters using NCSBOE #s, and as % of voting eligible population using @ElectProject‘s calculations). 2020 row shows through yesterday. (1/2) pic.twitter.com/6YBadzXOSB
— Chris Cooper (@chriscooperwcu) November 3, 2020
Here is how many total and additional votes we’d need to hit various markers. For comparison, in 2016 1,585,560 votes were accepted on election day (~1/3 of total turnout). #ncpol (2/2) pic.twitter.com/r6Ao7bAvaA
— Chris Cooper (@chriscooperwcu) November 3, 2020
Those records seem well within reach.
Hopefully, though, the Republic remains intact, AND we can reclaim the Office of N.C. Governor to reassert our First in Freedom ethos. To help hold it together, check out these tips for voting today from the Board of Elections, and make sure all of your right-minded friends and family stand to be counted.
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