WASHINGTON, D.C. – Last week we highlighted the Left’s attempts to paint Thomas Farr, a Trump nominee for a federal court seat in North Carolina, as a racist intent upon suppressing minority votes. That was mostly professional Leftists in North Carolina, but starting on Friday and ramping up on Monday Senate minority leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) has set his sights on Farr as well.
After what happened to Supreme Court nominee, and now Justice, Brett Kavanaugh, Democrats have shown how low they will stoop to try to win political advantage. Similarly, Schumer’s twitter tirade makes clear that Senate Democrats are going to ‘Kavanaugh’ Farr.
Thomas Farr must not be confirmed to a lifetime appointment as a Federal Judge in North Carolina. It’s hard to believe President Trump nominated him, and it’s even harder to believe the Senate Republicans are considering it again.
— Chuck Schumer (@SenSchumer) November 19, 2018
Hard to believe Senate Republicans are trying again to vote on the nomination of Thomas Farr as a federal judge in NC. Farr’s represented the NC legislature in not 1, not 2, but 3 challenges to the state’s 2011 congressional and legislative redistricting. Here’s how that went:
— Chuck Schumer (@SenSchumer) November 19, 2018
In 2016-17, Farr represented NC in Covington v. NC, a challenge to the state’s 2011 legislative redistricting alleging each of NC’s 19 state House districts & 9 state Senate districts constituted a racial gerrymander violating the Equal Protection Clause. https://t.co/fgf3qJhp6C
— Chuck Schumer (@SenSchumer) November 19, 2018
In Covington v. NC, Farr argued that race was not the primary factor used in the redistricting. And even if it was, Farr argued the NC legislature’s use of race was reasonably necessary to comply with the Voting Rights Act. The trial court rejected this argument.
— Chuck Schumer (@SenSchumer) November 19, 2018
The tweets went on and on, running through Farr’s role in defending the N.C. General Assembly against politically motivated lawsuits targeting congressional and state legislative maps. He published by than a dozen tweets within an hour on Monday to paint Farr as a racist for defending these maps, and the state legislature’s constitutional approach to drawing them.
Same story; different day. Democrats wildly smeared Brett Kavanaugh as a gang rapist, and now they will smear Farr as lifelong racist. The fact that Farr makes these the Left squirm so much should be a big indication that he is a good nominee for federal judge.
So as the Senate Democrats rail against him, what are our two Republican senators doing to defend Farr against the slander? Not a lot.
Actually, a review of Sen. Thom Tillis’ (RINO-NC) twitter feed during the time period Democrats have launched their offensive, reveals the proud RINO has done NOTHING to stick up for the Trump nominee.
Sen. Richard Burr? Crickets.
This is after Farr has been left hanging out there for months waiting for senate confirmation, giving Democrats time to retrain their sights on another Trump judicial nominee and fire off another smear campaign.
Burr and Tillis, if they truly represent North Carolina, need to get their act together to defend Farr and call out Schumer and the Democrats for what they are. Although, that may be too heavy a lift for the likes of Tillis, who is often hard to distinguish from a Democrat himself.
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