WASHINGTON, D.C. – He’s the “Republican” that has proudly embraced the RINO label in the past, backs it up with his near constant abdication of the Republican platform, and regularly sneers at ‘Far Right’ conservatives.
His name, of course, is Thom Tillis, and the U.S. Senator is again making news this week for exhibiting his number one attribute: bucking Republicans to get attention. His opposition to President Donald Trump’s emergency border declaration is built upon talking points borrowed from the Left as he laughably claims his concern emanates from his conservative core. Ha!
But his persistent stands against his own party, its platform, and the voters that put him in office may be opening the door for a challenger on the right.
From the Charlotte Observer:
“[…] Neither the House nor the Senate is likely to have the votes to override the veto, making the debate largely a political and potentially embarrassing one. But it’s high-profile enough that it could have ramifications for 2020 — potentially exposing Tillis to a primary challenge from his right or, conversely, helping Tillis show independence in what is expected to be a tough, expensive general election.
“We’re not happy with the way Senator Tillis seems not to support the president,” said Diane Parnell, chairwoman of the Rockingham County Republican Party. “We’re looking to see who is coming to primary him.”[…]”
Ms. Parnell is certainly not alone. Much of the Republican base is likely crossing their fingers for a quality, conservative challenger to displace Tillis, who has made his mark on Capitol Hill as an enemy of the very conservative policies he pretended to champion on the 2014 campaign trail.
Read more about county GOPs in the Old North State actually sending letters of ‘no confidence’ directly to Tillis here. Who will rise to the challenge to remove the RINO from our senate seat?
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