RALEIGH – One of the hot button issues when Republican majorities were expanding early voting hours and days was weekend voting, Sunday voting in particular. The Left complained that by requiring early voting sites to be open so many days and hours during the work week, it indirectly reduced weekend voting opportunities because of a lack of resources and staff. That, Democrats alleged, was a case of Republicans discriminating against black Democratic voters, knowing that they dominate the weekend voting proportionally.
So, with the new early voting schedules, did the Democrat’s complaints ring true?
Hardly. Sunday trend differences by party stick out like a sore thumb.
It is clear that Democrats get the vote out on Sunday, likely in large groups getting bused from the church parking lot straight to the voting booth. Democrats’ propensity to corral voters into the polls is well known. Contrarily, Republicans have a noticeable dip on the weekend, and especially on Sunday.
But what this graphic tells us is that the early voting schedule changes did not meaningfully reduce Democratic turnout on the weekends, as the Democratic activists and politicians alleged it would. It was just another case of Democrats playing the victim while they hurl ‘Republicans are racists’ accusations. Somethings never change.
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