WASHINGTON, D.C. – Just in case you tuned out for a day or two, know that there is another conspiracy theory about President Donald Trump is rigging the election. This one is supremely stupid. Actually, the Democrats seem focused on destroying trust and creating chaos, while also doing it with the dumbest means possible.
President Donald Trump is trying to steal the election by stealing the mail. Or stopping the mail. Or sabotaging the mail, or some such thing.
The absolutely asinine charge seemed to reach critical mass over the weekend. But a week ago, the editorial board at Issues and Insights were already predicting the Democrat’s strategy: this means the Democrats have found their scapegoat. If Joe Biden loses the Left will accuse Trump of stealing the election, and the scapegoat is North Carolina businessman and Post Master General Louis DeJoy.
From I&I:
“The postmaster general is rarely a household name. Expect that to change should the Democrats lose in November. If that happens, they will try to turn Louis DeJoy into the Vladimir Putin of the 2020 elections.
DeJoy took the helm of the postal office in June, and since then the former head of New Breed Logistics has been trying to bring some semblance of fiscal order to an operation that has been losing billions of dollars for years.
“Without dramatic change, there is no end in sight, and we face an impending liquidity crisis,” DeJoy told the U.S. Postal Service’s governing board last week.
So far, the changes have been relatively modest. He’s done some reorganizing and took steps to cut back the excessive amount of overtime pay that postal carriers rack up.
As Ross Marchand noted in a recent I&I op-ed, “DeJoy must deliver on these, and other critical postal reforms, in order for the agency to be fiscally stable.”
But to hear Democrats tell it, DeJoy is engaged in “deliberate sabotage” of the upcoming elections. That’s how Rep. Gerry Connolly, D-Va., put it. DeJoy, you see, is a Trump supporter, and so must be part of a broad conspiracy.
Democratic Minnesota Sen. Tina Smith said that “it’s hard not to be suspicious when you see the postmaster general, who is a big Trump donor, now at this exact moment taking steps that are undermining this service. Of course I’m suspicious.”
Rep. Brenda Lawrence, D-Mich., warned that “our democracy is being held in the hands of the postal service.” […]”
Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) also accused the president of so frustrating the delivery of mail, in order to win an election, that seniors in her district are not even receiving their Social Security checks in the mail. That is pretty low, even if the Social Security Administration hasn’t mailed physical checks to recipients in about 10 years.
Like we said; sabotage by the STUPIDEST MEANS POSSIBLE.
Consider for a moment that Democrats are spinning the narrative that the USPS cannot be trusted to handle an election, AFTER pushing with all their might to force an election by mail.
But North Carolina has a special spot in this bit of theater by the Left; DeJoy ran his successful logistics business in Greensboro. He has also been a a big donor and bundler for Republicans for quite some time, raising money for Vice President Mike Pence and President Trump, as well as other Republican lawmakers in the state.
His wife, Dr. Aldona Wos, served in the administration of Governor Pat McCrory as Health Secretary, and was a U.S. Ambassador to Estonia during the Bush presidency. (If only we could trade Dr. Mandy Cohen’s Pandemic Panic for Dr. Wos’s no-nonsense demeanor)
So yes, DeJoy and his wife are big time Republicans. Demonizing him, then, comes natural for the Left, especially because he’s guilty of doing something that successful businessmen have a knack for; efficiency reform. Specifically, reforms at USPS to improve the bottom line.
The I&I editorial goes on to highlight WHY reforms may be needed at this agency:
“Take a look at just a few headlines that appeared well before DeJoy took over.
- “‘Overwhelmed’ Postal Carrier Hoarded 17,000 Pieces of Mail, Officials Say”
- “A postal worker rented a storage unit to hide mail because he felt ‘pressured’ to deliver it”
- “Postal service struggles leave Bay Area residents searching for their mail”
- “3,000 Pieces of Undelivered Mail Found At DFW Postal Facility”
- “Post office searching for missing Christmas mail in Alexandria”
- “Former Fitchburg letter carrier, feeling stressed, fails to deliver 758 pieces”
- “More than 1,000 pieces of stolen mail found in late postal worker’s storage unit”
- ” Postal Service has no answer for 2018 disappearance of Neenah-Menasha mail”
- “St. Petersburg mail carrier found with 2,129 pieces of stolen mail”
- “60,000 ballots not delivered in Adams County; Duplicate ballots sent out in Weld County”
That’s to say nothing of the recent experience – before DeJoy took over – of problems with mail-in balloting. Just one example: The USPS inspector general investigation of the April 7 Wisconsin primary found that more than 3,500 absentee ballots never made it to voters, and hundreds had no postmarks. […]”
Yet, it’s not the electoral fraud of bad actors and activists the Democrats worry about (anyone remember this?!?!), it’s that President Trump will force DeJoy to stop and sabotage the mail to win an election.
Yes, after continually and pointedly warning that we SHOULD NOT rely on vote by mail, because it is especially vulnerable to FRAUD and INEFFICENCY, President Trump and Postmaster General DeJoy are the ones using the mail to rig an election.
By the stupidest means possible, the Left shoves us toward strike.
Read more of the I&I editorial.
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